Monday, November 11, 2013

Poetry Prompt: Write about things you know

I know that commitment is scary and takes more than just a leap of faith
it takes big girl and big boy panties on and the risk of leaping into something that might not catch you
I know that time is not mine yet I steal it too much as if it were
And think that I can control it when He's the only one who can
I know that 1 +1 does not always equal two, sometimes its just one
because half the time no one wants to be fully vulnerable
I know that ice cream with warm cookies crumbled in it is both soul food
and guilty pleasure 
that sometimes they are more comforting to your stomach than a hug would be to resistant shoulders 
I know that random makes for best conversations 
And late nights are gateways to a persons soul who only
lets their guard down when the sun sets 
I know that the weight of unnecessary burdens 
and what it does to a heart
I know that hearts are both the battle ground and the safe haven
both weapons and the cure
both victim and the thief
both brick and tree trunk for etched names 
where forever should not be written
I know that running is both for exercise and sanity
that breathing is necessary even when drowning
to remind yourself that suffocation is not death
to remind yourself of the value in each breath
and to bring you back to the one who gave it to you in the first place

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