Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ninth "Love, According to them..."

My roommate from last year is in a relationship of 10 months as of today.
Part of how they are together is they both were having the same dreams.
The same... DREAMS seriously how cute is that?
For some reason, I am a big fan of dreams... I truly believe that God speaks through them in order to reach us... not that he really needs this other source to speak to us but he knows that in some cases we listen when he does. 

So they met, and then they started having similar dreams.
 My roommate would ask him what he needed prayer for and their requests were similar.
What does this possibly teach me about love..
It teaches me that despite everything this world has to throw at us, the constant darkness and ugly things that cover the positive ones beautiful events do happen. 

Especially when it comes to love.

Dreams are so unique because usually they happen to one person, and a lot of times we cant describe these dreams, in some cases we don't even remember them.
To have dreams that are remembered & shared is a beautiful thing to me.
Their relationship is one of the few that I look at as something to be hopeful for.
They were literally destined for one another and God showed them that through speaking individually to them... and then uniting them together through the beauty of speaking through a quiet mind.
How wonderful is that?
I'm not saying that I will find someone and then we will start having the same dreams or our thoughts will be telekinetic to one another but It gives me hope that beautiful things can happen in someone else at the same exact time that they will happen to me as well.

So that's love,
according to others.

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