Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Seventh "Love, According to them..."

My RD (Resident Director) and her husband just had their 2nd year anniversary a few weeks ago.
Through their marriage I have learned & witnessed the "newness" of love.
Celebrating two years of marriage is a big deal, in fact each year, each month, each day that a marriage stands should be a celebration considering how hard it can be in our society today.

Their marriage reminds me that love is like a garden.
You start fresh, soil a few seeds and you water and nurture, water and nurture.
You will plant, grow and nourish beautiful things... and at sometime those beautiful things may die BUT only so that new beautiful times, memories and so much more can grow in their place.
Their marriage reminds me of the richness of that new soil, the so many possibilites that can grow from it.

Their marriage has shown me the young ferver that marriages should want to hold onto no matter how many the years they've been married.

They redid their wedding photos .... different time, same dress and let me tell you...
those pictures were absolutely GORGEOUS!
And my favorite part? The way the looked at one another was the same so evidently in love gazes that they had when they first said, "I do."
His eyes still twinkled and her smile were as radiant as ever.
Those looks, that new young ferver should forever last in a marriage,
They should be one of the attributes that keeps it going, twinkling eyes, radiant smile and all.

So that's love,
according to others.

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