Monday, April 30, 2012

Prompt: what makes you the happiest right now?

Not studying for finals because your friend has a story to tell you and you’ll probably remember that over how to say something in Spanish or the year that man who wrote that book and said those things that one time... died

Getting frozen yogurt and eating it outside
Letting the tease of summer dance with your topping combination
And warm evening weather

Being able to diminish the number of finals you have to take with each passing of yet another sleepless day

Engaging in conversations so good you wonder why they didn’t happen sooner
So that maybe it’d be easier to place them in your box of memories worth keeping

Smiles with no hello
Goodnights with last verbal I love yours
And eye contact that says more than our brains could even have the word capacity for

Friends who send you new music to listen to
Making April feel more exciting than Christmas time

Drinking venti iced coffees from Starbucks with my name spelled correctly and a smiley face

Planning surprise birthday parties and trying to imagine the possible reactions

The moments where the only movement around me is the rustling of trees leaves the breeze of nightfall, my steady breathing and a sigh, with a cup of peppermint tea steam reminding me its only my mind that’s congested

Meeting people I’ve seen all year but had never spoken to and feeling like they could be added to my list of soul friends

The Adele song I’ve never heard, one directions you don’t know you’re beautiful, and Boyfriend by Justin Bieber jams for days

Knowing that right at the end of this journey there is another one kissing the edge of it waiting for my footsteps on its path to be the ignition that starts it

Sleep with no alarm the next morning

The good things that are hard to say goodbye to and the better ones that one need a see ya later

Brian and his laugh, Alex and her hugs, TJ and the way he says my name, Erich and his eyes, Danielle and her joy, Nicole and her strength, Hector and his weird obsession with hyphy, Michael and his honesty, Danielle teammate and her swag, Monique and her determination, Jeffrey and his quiet wisdom

Poetry. The captive to my thoughts and freedom to my pen
People who like poetry, this unspoken song we all sing together with different bridges and stanzas that all fall into the same chorus

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