Sunday, November 20, 2011


Hi…my name is Arielle
And I have a problem with trust
Its not that I cant do it
In fact I just do it way too much
Vulnerability at its finest
Write it on a billboard
Graffiti in red to resemble the cuts of invasion that rip into it
And the wound grows deep
wrenching open everything I thought I was hiding
So I’ve cried tears of defeat that mold slowly into sobs of helplessness
In psalms it is written that joy comes in the morning
But my sorrow must of forgotten it’s a new day because its reminisce of last night still hangs above me

And I know
I know… I serve a God
Who has split open seas and washed it over enemies
Who has covered human flesh from burning furnaces
But for me personally
It’s hard to trust a being I can’t see physically even though its clear how present he is in absolutely everything
Id rather fall backwards into arms that I can feel
Than dive head first into the security of a God who gets questioned if he’s even real
See I can handle this I can do it all myself
I don’t need your help
I will pick up my own broke pieces of insecurities
And glue them back together with my little bit of sanity

Why can’t you just make yourself present to me?
I don’t know what you want from me
Do you want me on my knees?
Do I need to cry tears of Father please?
Take this cup from me
I have given you my incessant need for planning
God this is your year just direct me
Is my plead but occasionally I think I can take the lead
Possibly pilot my life as if I have the right coordination’s
Eventually it just becomes an equation with no solution
Look at this disaster
I'm surrounded in my own pollution

And so I start to lose sight of what trust even means
I can easily define trusting in man made things
A chair
A home
The bed where I lay my head
And God made human beings
My family
My friends
The ones who were supposed to love me but ultimately took my trust
Placed in their back pocket
And sat down on bus stops
My heart stays placed on my shoulders
But my trust I have in open hands like silver platters
I slowly had to learn that not everyone would hold my heart in their hands
Carry it with them through all ends and treat it like the source of life that sustains me as if it is only my lungs that I need to breath

And then it comes down to trust in the creator
Mother Theresa once said

“I know God will not give me anything I can't handle.

 I just wish He didn't trust me so much.”

I know what she means
This hold i'm in financially
God I know you’ll provide
But i'm standing here so helplessly
Deaths and surgeries in my family
Why am I not there physically? This path you’ve placed me on separately
I just sometimes need it to coincide with the latest happenings
However answers are not something you owe me
Or anything at all
For you’ve already paid the price for every fall
So I turn my eyes to the one who ultimately sustains me
Ill lean on you comfortably like I rest on the roots of willow trees
Not really… but unlike dying greenery I know you will never leave me
Nor forsake me says Hebrews 13
And ultimately through this trust I place in your hands
You make promises unwavering to forever love me
What great symphonies that play quietly in the background
Of the fact that the creator of this universe values our insignificant human trust
 So if i must I hand it to you on silver platters
Placing my hands in my lap
Eyes closed
In you my trust is placed
For im sure that is its rightful place

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