Saturday, January 5, 2013

I'm not a huge fan of New Years Resolutions

But this year I do want to try new things for instance...
- For the entire month of January I will not buy any articles of clothing.
- In February I will start a 60 day challenge of buying only thrift store clothing and if I can stick with it I will do it for the rest of the semester!
- I will spend more days wearing no makeup
- Drink more tea than Coffee

Every year (Usually school year) I tend to make some type of overarching theme last year was the year of intentionality, the year before was HIS year literally letting go of my petty need for control and letting God work. So this year will be the year of Raw Authenticity it will be my own process of easing myself away from  (or more using less of ) artificial and material things that are small but sometimes consume us like makeup, and a certain style of clothes (plus I just shop way too much for my broke college budget)

So that's how I will begin this year, and really focus on what I'm trying to accomplish in it.
Here's for trying new things.

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