Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sweet Return.

This is the start of my third week back at good ol APU!
all i can say to sum up this little bit of time is....WOAH.
Before coming back to APU, i was just overwhelmed with a sense of fear and hesitation, the enemy had it set in my mind that I did NOT want to come back to APU. and i believed it for a few weeks there...even up to being here on Monday August 15th. But as the week went on I slowly started to remember.. THIS IS EXACTLY WHERE GOD WANTS ME! Which is why the enemy was trying to do all that he could in order to hinder my coming back, but Gods force is always stronger!

School doesn't start until the first week of September (for some reason the date is slipping my mind) but i had to return early for Orientation leader which is basically a mentor for incoming freshman, helping them with the transition from high school to college (which is ...intense as some of you may have experienced) you see those people screaming &yelling in this picture -> starting tomorrow that will be ME (: perfect right?!

Anyway, these couple of weeks before school starts has been filled with training!
Which doesn't consist of too much, but it revolves solely around being prepared spiritually, along with all the activities that involves with being an orientation leader (also known as ) Alpha leader.
Last week we went on a week long training experience right back in San Francisco, so i had to make that long 7 hour trip AGAIN. but it was so entirely worth every leg cramp!
The name of the training was called Bridges, so i will be referring to it as that from now on.
So we left for bridges on Sunday morning, waking up at 6:30 am, eating breakfast&making our travel lunches, packing up the numerous 12 passenger vans and cars, and waiting for our 8:30am departure to the bay.
Once we arrived, we unloaded all of our belongings into YWAM (Youth with a Mission) center located in the Tenderloin. Monday morning the festivities began, starting with a beautiful and meditative walk across the Golden Gate Bridge. We were told to leave all our worries, anxieties, fears and anything that could hinder us from fully experiencing all that God had in store for that week. It was a GREAT way to start the week, I prayed that i would be vulnerable and remember that I am here for a reason.
Man how God stretched me and almost gave me a new set of eyes.

I was quite cynical at first thinking what (new) could God possibly teach me in my own city?


- In order to be a leader one must literally humble yourself to where you become the servant.
- Every person has a story, and judgement sometimes gets in the way of meeting some one that could be life changing.
- Community is crucial. Revolving yourself around a good christian community is crucial to the spiritual growth, so is being around the "sick" and lost which is crucial to the growth of the kingdom.
- Imitate the Father. Be Merciful. Love Actively

This is just a little bit, I have just been given blessing after blessing, but as you know "To who much is given, much is required." So please, as you all have done so faithfully keep me in your prayers.
For continuous growth, strength for whatever trials may come, and remain focus for what God has in store !

Also, keep my family in your prayers as well, my Dad had surgery on Thursday&Friday of last week (August 25/26th) its been really difficult for me not to be there...I know I'm where I'm supposed to be, i just struggle with why it has to be now & not after my family was able to smooth out this chaos. But this is the situation and I know it will go over just fine, Because God is in control!

This is just an overall summary, if you want details lets talk! feel free to facebook, email, text or call (:

blessings !

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