There is something, about being called by name,
That sparks a little flame in our beings
Igniting the fact that we belong to someone
Sparking a security in the value of who we are
There is something about a name
That allows us to experience what it feels like to have a relationship
With someone or something
To connect with them on a level that’s personal
And so I’ve wondered
Why some of the names of God are considered off limits to the human tongue
Maybe its because if we understood the depth of them
This thing we know of, as intimacy would take our hearts on a ride they’re not ready for
Which is why we continuously try to place him in boxes that aren’t even capable of containing him
So in the moments where we don’t understand the plan he is conducting
We refer to him as omnipotent
Because even though we are oblivious to the masterpiece he is forming in the midst of our spiritual blind spots
He knows every intricate detail
Every soul that will be touched by the ripple of his intentions
And in the moments where it feels as though a personal storm is weighing itself over our heads
We call him JEHOVAH-SHALOM because he is our ultimate peace
Calming the storm of our restlessness
Ceasing every aspect that hinders us from meeting him in the quietness of our sleep
Because even financial aid looks a little bit slim
He always has an unexpected way of showing that he provides
Fulfilling above and beyond what our prayers could ever mutter
For he is the beginning
Because when he placed his hands on both ends of the cross
He automatically became the bridge
To Omega the ultimate ending to any story ever told
When every shard of glass that the world has in its grip
Cuts deeper than band aids could protect
When it feels as though we are enduring the root of what brokenness feels like
When the crosses on our back begin to blister our shoulders
And our feet calloused from the miles we’ve walked in order to fulfill the purpose we’ve been deemed
He is our most powerful medicine with everlasting side effects
Strong tower
The unshakeable foundation
In the midst of life’s earthquakes
The safe haven and lighthouse when the darkness surrounds us
Bread of life
Morning Star
Sunrise and Sunset
Preparing and equipping us for the final exam
Perfecting our study of his never-ending mercy and grace
Educating us in the background of His Story so that we never forget the right answer to all the questions we can’t answer
Holy Spirit
God Almighty
King of Kings
Everlasting Father
The one who calls us by our nickname full, if you prefer it
Never hesitating to deem us Daughter and Son even when we’ve failed him
Overwhelming us with a devotion that we aren’t capable to return
Loving our brokenness until it blooms into something beautiful
So when we our mouths can’t even begin to form the right name
Or our minds have lost track of what we should call him
And our hands begin to try and force him into our doubting and forgetful boxes
Just remember that
He is
He was
And he forever will be
Everything and Anything in between