I was asked to share a poem
Maybe of community diversity and a memory
I’ll just share a little about me
Coming to APU was my dream
My parents thought it was far, my face would hardly be seen
My family is my everything but it was just time for me
The southern California sun and people who couldn’t stop smiling was calling
And so was
A community where my diversity seemed to actually follow me
Fell asleep with a silk wrap for my mane
Roommates asked why I wore it
And my ethnicity seemed to face me for the first time
Always the yellow skinned
Couldn’t tell if she was dark skinned
Or if she was the tan skin
Is her hair relaxed or straightened
See, coming to APU was my dream
Wednesday night Chapel became my source of peace
My bible contained highlighter streaks
Where God met me on the path he had placed me reassuring this is exactly where I was supposed to be
But Doubt sometimes caressed every positive thought that entered me
My moments of happiness were quickly shutdown by loneliness
And it broke me
My weakness and insecurities opened the door for me
And I entered it slowly
But before it could immerse me
These words surrounded me
“He is jealous for me, love like a hurricane I am a tree bending beneath his love and mercy”
But at this point I wasn’t bending I was breaking
Lord the spirit is willing but the flesh was weak
And so he repaired me
Helping me remember this is exactly where he has called me
And so I placed my insecurities and fears behind
Trying my best not to let them jump in front of me
Yes, coming to APU was my dream nothing else could come between
But I was slightly Overwhelmed by this place called COLLEGE
Where responsibility was something you actually had a choice to hold on your own
Because parents were only there through the phone
Freedom was the theme and some let their freak flag ring
My RA became my source of maternity when my heart yearned for the one who birthed me
Girls on my hall became my little homes of nail polish and chick flick sanity
My alpha group became my family and everyone else in between kept my laughter going
I was asked to share a poem
Maybe of community diversity and a memory
And so I chose a memory sprinkled with a little diversity and a lot about a community
A community where my heart can now rest assured that this is my source of security
So as you yourself embark on this journey weather it’s your first second third or your last embrace it
Embrace the people screaming at the top of their excitement because they are genuinely glad you are here
Embrace the 1am laughter and conversations that are better with an acoustic background
Embrace the random times of loneliness and ecstatic happiness
Embrace every memory difficult or easy to swallow because you will never experience what you are experiencing right now